

Saw this today on Brittany's blog and thought it was super cool. Its sorta the perfect combination of my love for the beatles with my love for flow charts. 


Some Pretty Dresses

Obviously I can't put up pictures of Liz's dress before the wedding but looking through them with her was so fun so I decided to post some dresses that I think are really great.

It's a love story.

This weekend was jam packed with productivity and fun! On Friday I went to Atlanta to stay at my parents house because on Saturday morning Maggie and I were meeting Liz in Sandy Springs to try on wedding and bridesmaid dresses! Unfortunately I thought it would be a good idea to stay up until 4 AM and then wake up at 9. I was wrong. Be that as it may, we had a great time trying on dresses. 
Liz found a beautiful dress that fits her personality perfectly. It was so crazy watching her try on wedding dresses. I had to keep reminding myself that we weren't just playing dress up or trying on debutant dresses but that she is actually going to wear this dress in her WEDDING! Wow, I feel old. While Liz was getting measured and whatnot Maggie, Amanda and I headed downstairs to check out the bridesmaid dress selection. Liz had very vague ideas about color and style but pretty much told us to pick out whatever we liked and then we would all assess the choices. After Liz was done with measurements we all four tried them on to model for each other. We ended up loving the one dress both Liz and I originally thought we weren't going to like. As soon as Maggie put it on everyone immediately agreed it was perfect. We got all our measurements taken and then decided it was time for a quick lunch a Teela Taqeria before I had to rush back to Athens for the football game. 
Originally I wasn't too thrilled about driving back and forth from Atlanta to Athens and missing the Auburn Gameday tailgate but it was so great getting to see Liz and I'm so glad I got to share in this day with her. I used to get annoyed when people would say "everything happens for a reason" but when I look around at my group of friends I start to realize that it must be true. Before coming to UGA I had never heard of Sigma Kappa and I was dead set on being Chi O. Likewise, Sigma Kappa had never heard of me and how I managed to slip through the cracks all the way to bid day is still a mystery. It's weird to think that I was upset on bid day because I didn't know anyone and I thought I would be all alone for the next four years. Little did I know at the time, there were 4 other girls on the lawn that day who would eventually become my roommates, my best friends, my future bridesmaids, and my family. Together Emily, Elizabeth, Maggie, Maggie, and I have spent countless hours laughing, crying, vegging, trying to work off our vegging, swapping clothes, talking about school boys, studying, complaining about studying boys, and figuring out just who it is we wanted to be. Who knew that so much could change in 4 years? Liz - who never had time or patience for a "boyfriend" - is getting married. And Emily - who once almost burned down her parents house trying to use the stove - is having a baby! I can't wait to watch Liz and Isaac get married and I'm so excited for all the surprises awaiting us in the next chapter of our lives.


Meet Freddie.

http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=b036cff5c3&view=att&th=124a3556ccd8c259&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zwSo once again I have not been very good about blogging about my life. But, in my defense it's not like I'm doing anything that exciting so really no one is missing out. I can't believe its almost November already. First semester always seems to fly by.  Pretty much only two things have happened that are super exciting. I turned 23  and my roommate decided to co-raise a puppy for the guide dog foundation. This worked out well for me because I now have all the perks of a dog without having to worry about a long term commitment. Also, I got to meet Freddie - my 5 month old soul mate. We really love having him around and every Tuesday and Wednesday morning he and I have bonding time while I drink my cup of coffee and he plays with a bone. Then we like to go for a run. After our run, I do homework while Freddie takes a nap. Then I shower and he goes to wake up Allison. My life is beautiful.


Memory Walk

This year, I am participating in my 5th Athens Memory Walk in order to raise money for Alzheimer's research. I am including a link to my personal page as well as a copy of the email I sent out to raise support. Any support is greatly appreciated; this is such an important cause.

The Link to My Page:

Copy of the support Email:

Dear family and friends,

Once again the time has come for me to send you an email about the dire need to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Although my time as an active member of Sigma Kappa has ended, my dedication to this cause has not. This year, on October 17th, I will once again be participating in the Athens Memory Walk. This will be my 5th (and let's hope LAST) fall in Athens and I simply could not miss out on the opportunity to once again participate in such a wonderful event and to do my part to spread awareness about this disease. This years 3-mile walk/run hosted by the Alzheimer's Association will take place on October 17th at Southeast Clarke Park.

Alzheimer's Disease isn't something most people think about on a daily basis. Most people, especially those who are my age, think of Alzheimer's as "an old person's disease" and give it very little thought past that. What most people don't know however is that there are currently 5.3 million Americans living with Alzheimer's. And what's more, there are 78 MILLION baby boomers approaching the age of greatest risk for developing this fatal disease. There is NO cure. The time to act is NOW.

The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research. The funds I raise will go directly toward supporting their efforts. Over the past 4 years I have raised over $5,000.00, all of which went directly to support of those living with Alzheimer's, awareness about the disease, and most importantly research for a cure. My part is easy, I get up early one Saturday and get to run 3 miles with 100 other people who are as devoted to ending this disease as I am. But without you, all the miles mean nothing. I need your help. We need a cure.

I know that times are tough and purse strings are tight, but I remain optimistic that people will donate any amount of money - no amount is too small - to sponsor me this year. Alzheimer's awareness is very important to me and I wouldn't ask for your help if I wasn't desperate for cure. I don't want anymore American's to have to deal with the heartbreak of being unrecognizable by their own parent. I want to live in a world that is Alzheimer's free.

If you would like to donate as one of my sponsors please click the link below to donate online. If you are not comfortable with online donation please feel free to send a check made out to Alzheimer's Association to

Katherine Lacy

230 Katydid Dr.

Athens, Ga 30601

The link to my page is:


Please note that all donations are tax deductible.

Also, if you find yourself unable to make a donation I ask that you would pledge to pray for me, as well as all the other runners, and for the doctors who are searching tirelessly for a cure.

Thank you in advance.

Katherine Lacy

Some Sad News

The mother of one of my high school friends died on Saturday. She had been sick for a long time but still, I'm not sure you can really be "prepared" for someone to die. Mrs Izlar was really wonderful and I loved going to their house when we were in high school and sitting in the kitchen chatting with her. She always told us how much she loved having us over because she had 3 boys and never got to just chat with girls. The Izlars are such a great family and Mrs Izlar truly did an exceptional job raising 2 of the most Godly men I know. Keep their family in your prayers.

Tests are starting!

Week 3 of year 5 started today. It's been rainy up here all day which is no fun but I guess it has been okay because I have had a lot of work to do and I haven't been distracted by wanting to go outside and play. My classes are going pretty well. Strangely, I feel like last semester was the first time I started to "get" college. Due to switching my major so late I felt sort of lost and like I was always struggling to catch up, but now that I am knee deep in the psychology program I am so happy and comfortable. This semester I am taking Careers in Social Work, Advanced Statistics for Social Sciences, Geology - with a focus on the Mesozoic Period and Dinosaurs, Social Psychology, and Consumer Economics. They are all pretty interesting. There is one teacher I don't like, but I guess that one out of 6 isn't terrible.


Day 1

First day of my last year! I came up yesterday and attempted to get settled into my house but everything is so chaotic that I got a little overwhelmed. Currently all of my belongings are in huge black hefty bags all over my bedroom. Not to mention half the stuff in my room actually needs to go to Atlanta. Thankfully my mom is coming up today to help me out and to take some of the excess clutter home so hopefully that will create a little more room for me to store the things I actually need here. I have social work and psychology today. Getting pretty excited!


The start of something great

While I was in Memphis this summer I decided to keep a blog about the experience. Admittedly I wasn't the most consistent updater ever but never the less it sparked an idea. I always talk about how I am going to journal daily so that I can go back years later and remember all the fun I had in college, but somehow by the end of the day it seems to slip my mind. I am hopeful that perhaps by doing it online I will be more consistent with updates. Not to mention it is about a million times faster for me to type something than it is for me to hand write it out (thank you elementary school typing courses). So I guess I'll see how it goes but my plan is to keep a blog journal about my last year at UGA. I hear that 5th year of college is the best. I guess we'll find out.
I'm going up to Athens on Saturday and school starts on Monday. Rush started today. I cannot explain how happy I am to not be doing rush right now. Like WOW - so happy! I love SK and all but there are few things I can think of that I hate more than sorority recruitment.
Until next time,
Live the dream