
Breath of Fresh Air

Well, two months have passed and I have once again forgotten about blogging. For some reason it just doesn't seem to be something I am able to do consistently. Maybe it's because twitter, facebook, aim and texting are designed to be so quick and easy that I consider anything over a 5 minute update to be a novel of sorts.
Life in Athens is wonderful. I can't believe I am finally in my last semester of college. What a long road it has been, but how wonderful to finally see the end. This semester has already been packed full of activity but I am trying very hard to stop and enjoy moments of everyday. I feel like too often I get so caught up in what has to be done by tomorrow or next week that I fail to breathe in the joys of everyday things.
Today's breath of joy came when Allison and I went to the dog park with Freddie and Winnie and got to sit and talk for an hour while they played. It was nice to be outside and watch the dogs and for one hour not worry about anything academic. I know there is much to be done and that being busy is something I should be grateful for, but every once in a while it's so nice to just take one hour with a friend and pretend like the only thing that matters is your friendship and those adorable puppies.