
Meet Freddie.

http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=b036cff5c3&view=att&th=124a3556ccd8c259&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zwSo once again I have not been very good about blogging about my life. But, in my defense it's not like I'm doing anything that exciting so really no one is missing out. I can't believe its almost November already. First semester always seems to fly by.  Pretty much only two things have happened that are super exciting. I turned 23  and my roommate decided to co-raise a puppy for the guide dog foundation. This worked out well for me because I now have all the perks of a dog without having to worry about a long term commitment. Also, I got to meet Freddie - my 5 month old soul mate. We really love having him around and every Tuesday and Wednesday morning he and I have bonding time while I drink my cup of coffee and he plays with a bone. Then we like to go for a run. After our run, I do homework while Freddie takes a nap. Then I shower and he goes to wake up Allison. My life is beautiful.